kxxMagic for the Mac

kxxMagic converts early Kodak digital images - images with .k25 or .kdc extensions - into JPEG, TIFF, EXR or DNG files. Conversion is at full resolution, with correct color handling, and demosaicing algorithms specifically designed for these images.

Kodak specific demosaicing

Most K25 and KDC conversion software isn't designed for Kodak's older image formats. kxxMagic is. See why this matters.

Converts compressed images

kxxMagic handles all .k25 and .kdc format files at maximum resolution, even compressed images that other conversion programs can't convert at full resolution.

Precise control over demosiacing

Most raw developers give you one choice about how your image is developed - soft images with no risk of artifacts. kxxMagic allows you control over the internal operation of the demosaicing engine. Maximum resolution or maximum suppression of artifacts such as moire, or anywhere in-between. The choice is yours.

Matches the original Kodak colors

Color not the way the remember seeing it? Tired of "content aware processing" taking decisions away from you? Want your starting point to be what the camera saw, not "enhanced colors"? kxxMagic has a 100% accurate color workflow end to end that matches the original Kodak colors.

Integrates with other other applications such as Lightroom

kxxMagic for the Mac will work together with other applications to deliver a smooth, easy workflow that gives you the benefits of kxxMagic for the Mac's demosaicing and color management within whatever application you're most familiar with. See here for more.

macOS Big Sur compatible with native Apple Silicon support for blazing fast performance

kxxMagic for the Mac is fully compatible with the latest versions of macOS, and the latest hardware from Apple.

K25 and KDC specific demosaicing

Portion of an image converted using a general purpose conversion program, magnified to 400%.

Image converted with kxxMagic's Kodak specific processing algorithm, magnified to 400%. Cleaner edges, and far fewer color artifacts.

kxxMagic features image conversion algorithms specifically tailored for older Kodak image formats.

Buy Now

You can purchase kxxMagic from the Apple App Store.


  • No license code required
  • Automatic updates
  • NOTE - please delete the trial version before downloading the App Store version.

Note: by clicking the "Buy Now" button, you are agreeing to the Apple App Store license agreement, and the kxxMagic Software License agreement. The full text of the kxxMagic Software License agreement is available on the support site. Before buying, please take the opportunity to download and evaluate the trial version of the kxxMagic software.

Download the trial version

You can download a fully functional trial version from our support site

System Requirements

Image conversion requires very substantial amounts of processing power and memory. While kxxMagic for the Mac will run on laptops, performance is optimized for desktop systems. We strongly recommend the following minimum system specifications:

  • macOS 10.14 (Mojave) or later
  • 4 GB memory minimum, 8GB recommended
  • 128 MB graphics memory minimum, 512 MB graphics memory recommended